— Cowabunga!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Over the course of several months I worked towards generating as many characters from the TMNT universe and am still going strong to this day. Using Midjourney’s Ai generator through Discord I tried to get as many characters from as many different runs; comics, movies, and the shows. Typically at the end or beginning of a new month (depends on how you look at it) I try to upload any new advancements. Dig in and have a gander. Feel free to use the images for any of your projects!

— “Forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza.”
The Growing List of TMNT Characters, Places, & Things
- Ace Duck
- Al’Falqa
- Alopex
- Angel
- April O’Neil
- Attila
- Baxter
- Bebop
- Bishop
- Bloody Mary
- Bludgeon
- Bopsteady
- Buttercup
- Casey Jones
- Dask
- Dirtbag
- Doctor Dome
- Dojo
- Donatello
- Dreadmon
- Felix
- Foot Clan Ninjas
- Foot Clan Tower
- Fugitoid
- General Tragg
- Genghis
- Groundchuck
- Hamato Yoshi
- Harold
- Hayashi Toru
- Herman Crab
- Hi-Tech
- Hun
- Irma
- Jagwar
- Jennika
- Jinx
- Joey Lastic
- Judge Gorath
- Kala
- Karai
- Keno
- Khan
- Kitsune
- Klunk
- Koya
- Krang
- Leatherhead
- Leonardo
- Last Ronin Turtle
- Lord Dregg
- Madam Null
- Metalhead
- Michelangelo
- Mono Lisa
- Mondo Gecko
- M.O.U.S.E.R.S.
- Muckman
- Napoleon
- Natsu
- Neutrinos
- New York City
- New York Pizza
- Ninjara
- Nobody
- Noi Tai Dar
- Ocho
- Old Hob
- Ooze
- Oroku Hiroto Tower
- Oroku Saki
- Oroku Pimiko
- Panda Khan
- Papa Chum
- Pete
- Portals
- Puggle
- Punk Frogs
- Rahzar
- Raphael
- Rasputin
- Rat King
- Ray Fillet
- Renet Tilley
- Rock Soliders
- Rocksteady
- Sally Pride
- Savanti Romero
- Screwloose
- Sergeant Granitor
- The Sewers
- Shredder
- Slash
- Splinter
- Stainless Steel Steve
- Tattoo
- Technodrome
- Tiger Claw
- Toad Baron
- Tokka
- Toshiro
- Triceraton
- TMNT Van
- Usagi Yojimbo
- Vernon Fenwick
- Wingnut
- Zak
- Zetian
- Zippy Lad

Ace Duck




April O'Neil

Baxter The Fly

Baxter Stockman

Mech Warrior Baxter




Casey Jones
Where To Download
First I would start with Google Drive. Click the buttom below and feel free to download any images. If you are unable due to download constraints try option #2.
If Google Drive fails I would head over to DeviantArt. Due to the large quanity of the images they are separated into packs. Click the link below and follow the post detailing everything.
Last on the list is Instagram. You can actually find some images there that are not available for download.
IDW Comics, Posters, & Other TMNT Goodness

Feel free to check out some of these posters dude. All posters are free to download, are print ready, and are totally chill. The mega posters contain 95%+ of the images generated, while the smaller posters focus on distinct groups, like me and my brothers, or even that stink’n group of Foot Scums.

But you can call me “Mikey”
Free Downloads, Print-Ready Images
36" x 48" 56 Mega Poster (56 Images) I
36" x 48" 56 Mega Poster (56 Images) II
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
— Interactive TMNT Spreadsheets
Interactive TMNT Spreadsheets
My love for the teenagers in a half shell is a long standing passion. Like a lot of my projects that start with a spreadsheet, so too is true for the turtles. There are two spreadsheets; one was intended as an idle RPG style while the other is the template for a tradable card game. Feel free to check them out, copy them, modify them, use them in a way that is beneficial to you.
Cowabunga, Foot Clan, Dimension X
The spreadsheet contains 3 loose deck, or play styles. There is the Cowabunga deck, The Foot Clan deck, and the Dimension X deck.
Tradable Card Game
Akin to MtG or Hearthstone.
Continue The Epic TMNT Journey With The IDW Comic Continuity.
The IDW TMNT Volume 1 graphic novel series is celebrated for its fresh and exciting take on classic heroes. Critics praise its stunning artwork, dynamic storytelling, and rich character development. This series brings a modern twist to the beloved Turtles’ saga, combining thrilling action with profound emotional moments. The creative team skillfully balances nostalgia with innovation, making it a standout comic book that’s both familiar and new. Dive into a world where every page bursts with creativity and adventure, and discover why this series is a must-read for fans, old and new!